Package com.aragost.javahg.commands

Class Summary
AddCommand Command class for executing hg add.
AddRemoveCommand Command class for executing hg addremove.
AnnotateCommand Command class for executing hg annotate.
AnnotateLine An annotated line, holding the text of the line and the Changeset that introduced it.
BackoutCommand Command class for executing hg backout.
BookmarksCommand Command class for executing hg bookmarks.
Branch Represent a named branch returned by BranchesCommand
BranchCommand Command class for executing hg branch.
BranchesCommand Command class for executing hg branches.
CatCommand Command class for executing hg cat.
CloneCommand Command class for executing hg clone.
CommitCommand Command class for executing hg commit.
CopyCommand Command class for executing hg copy.
DiffCommand Command class for executing hg diff.
ExportCommand Command class for executing hg export.
GraftCommand Command class for executing hg graft.
HeadsCommand Command class for executing hg heads.
IncomingCommand Command class for executing hg incoming.
LocateCommand Command class for executing hg locate.
LogCommand Command class for executing hg log.
ManifestCommand Command class for executing hg manifest.
MergeCommand Command class for executing hg merge.
OutgoingCommand Command class for executing hg outgoing.
ParentsCommand Command class for executing hg parents.
PhaseCommand Command class for executing hg phase.
PullCommand Command class for executing hg pull.
PushCommand Command class for executing hg push.
RemoveCommand Command class for executing hg remove.
ResolveCommand Command class for executing hg resolve.
RollbackCommand Command class for executing hg rollback.
RootCommand Command class for executing hg root.
StatusCommand Command class for executing hg status.
StatusLine A parsed line from the hg status output.
StatusResult An aggregated status result.
TagCommand Command class for executing hg tag.
TagsCommand Command class for executing hg tags.
UpdateCommand Command class for executing hg update.
UpdateResult The statistic returned by running hg update.
VersionCommand Command class for executing hg version.

Enum Summary
StatusLine.Type Status line types.

Exception Summary
ExecutionException Generic exception thrown when executing a Mercurial command fails.

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